Saturday, September 29, 2012

Accessorized Trees

Thank you, Theresa! Let me say, I am delighted to be a new contributor to The Daily Tree, which speaks to me. I have always loved trees in all their glory.

The below shot was taken on a recent trip to Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province. This scene is on Richmond Street, a pedestrian-only street of artisan shops and restaurants in Charlottetown.

I love the colorful paper lanterns hanging from the branches. So playful.

Here's a close-up shot of the tree bobbles.

I think I have some earrings like that!


  1. Beautiful! I haven't been to Charlottetown in years but it looks lovelier than ever. I thought it was a pumpkin tree until you explained.

  2. I want to go to PEI! Someday. Le sigh.

    Oh, and very lovely trees, all spruced up in their fall decorations!

  3. There are two trees just to the left of this shot with green lanterns. They do look like pumpkins! I want to sit in that outdoor cafe and sip a Canadiano.
