Tuesday, April 30, 2013


There were a few days back toward the beginning of April that I was wondering if we were going to skip spring and move right on to summer.  Thank goodness Mother Nature righted herself, because I love spring trees!  I know, I know.  I love trees no matter the season, but there's something about trees in the spring.  The bright green of new leaves against the dark bark. Sigh. Love.

Also, very distracting when you're driving because the subtleties of the spring colors and shapes are much harder to see from the road than say, the colors in autumn.

In spring, the trees change so quickly!  This means that if you want to capture the new leaves and the shimmery flowers, you can't wait for the weekend.  You have to try to capture the intriguing beauty right then.

This is a round-about way of my saying that for several hours on several different days, I dashed around like the fool for trees that I am, trying to capture the diversity of tree flowers and the emerging leaves. Unfortunately, I only had my camera phone, so not all the photos turned out.

But some of them did!  These photos are what I'll be sharing for the next several weeks.  Whether spring has already sprung in your part of the northern hemisphere, or whether it is still waiting out the last dregs of winter, I hope you'll enjoy spring here in Maryland.

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